Sunday, September 12, 2010

Puffy White Things

If you have ever looked up at the puffy white things that hang in the sky on partly cloudy day, you may have wondered why people are supposed to lay on their back on the ground to see what shapes they are. But I have noticed something. The clouds are not at all dull.
    The puffy ones may be so-so, however, if you have seen cloudy sunsets every color of the rainbow, from pink to blue, you will agree there is more to clouds than puffy white things. I have suddenly begun to notice small, beautiful blue clouds on the horizon and orange clouds opposite a sunset. (Yes, orange)
    Ask a behind-the-scenes meteorologist--not the weather man on TV--but the people who every day watch all the signs around to determine the weather. Even though now satellites compute findings, you bet in college meteorologists had to identify all the cloud formations possible, and in the process of it they must have seen many a glorious formation or color.
    My favorite clouds are the ones that tower for most possibly thousands of feet. I'm most awed when the sunlight is behind the cloud, and the edges of the formation are highlighted, and when clouds are a mixture of shadows and stark white.
    Next time you take a coffee break outside, look up at the clouds and relax. Just before dusk, watch the colors shine. You'll be amazed, and even if you are disappointed the first time, wait. An awesome cloud will show itself one day

from the blog Jessie Thought

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I found this on the National Geographic website. It may be a new species of squid. It was found near an undersea volcano.


Did you know copying someone's writing and saying it is yours is plagiarism? And that writing belongs to the person who wrote it as soon as they write it. It is still plagiarism if you take writing that's not legally copyrighted.


From Super Goofy Jokes, by Jacqueline Horsfall

1. Why shouldn't you tell secrets in a room full of beetles?
Because the room is bugged.

2. What's a flea's favorite plant?
A cattail.

3. How do the police get rid of mosquitoes?
They call the SWAT team.

4. What happened when the grape was promoted?
It got a raisin pay.

Which of the above jokes do you like best?