Tuesday, September 14, 2010


What is badinage? Here is the defenition from The American Heritage Dictionary:

bad-i-nage n. Light, playful banter [Fr. < badin, joker]

Here are some other amazing, wierd or obscure words (or just plain interesting):
bo-la n. A rope with weights attached used esp. in South America to catch cattle or game by entangling the legs.

co-ri-um n. The layer of the skin beneath the epithelium, containing nerve endings, sweat glands, and blood and lymph vessels [Latin, skin.]

cor-ri-gen-dum n. 1. An error to be corrected, esp. a printers error. 2. corrigenda. A list of errors in a book with their corrections. [Latin, neuter gerund, of corrigere, to correct]

cor-tic-o-lous adj. Growing or living on tree bark: corticolous mosses.

man-o-me-ter n. One-billionth of a meter. (==> 0.000000001)
nan-o-sec-ond n. One-billionth of a second.

ug-some adj. disgusting; loathsome

TIP for school: Use lots of cool adverbs and adjectives unless your teacher specifically says no or doesn't like them - usually teachers love it when you use amazing words (They might get flabbergasted if you know the defenition and they don't!). [Flabbergasted: stunned, shocked]

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I found this on the National Geographic website. It may be a new species of squid. It was found near an undersea volcano.


Did you know copying someone's writing and saying it is yours is plagiarism? And that writing belongs to the person who wrote it as soon as they write it. It is still plagiarism if you take writing that's not legally copyrighted.


From Super Goofy Jokes, by Jacqueline Horsfall

1. Why shouldn't you tell secrets in a room full of beetles?
Because the room is bugged.

2. What's a flea's favorite plant?
A cattail.

3. How do the police get rid of mosquitoes?
They call the SWAT team.

4. What happened when the grape was promoted?
It got a raisin pay.

Which of the above jokes do you like best?